“Maybe we're on the wrong end of the business”
"I mean, he's making like a million dollars a month or more and I'm not making a million dollars a month."

記錄片《An Honest Liar》中提到,曾宣揚「信仰療法」的 Peter Popoff 被 James Randi 和 Alec Jason 揭發他以無線電接收參與者資訊、偽裝收到上帝訊息「治病」,Popoff破產後東山再起,繼續販賣迷信賺錢。
Jason 在片中受訪時表示他跟 Randi 似乎「在這行業中錯誤的位置」︰
“And the thing is, Popoff got back in the business. All he changed was he doesn't use a radio any more. He doesn't need to. He just does dumber stuff that people accept anyway.”
(以下一段是 Popoff 的廣告內容)
“This is water from the pool that the Lord himself led the Christians to during the horrible Chernobyl nuclear accident. Tens of thousands died and yet every Christian was miraculously spared.”
“Randi and I once talked about it and I said, you know, maybe we're on the wrong end of the business, we should be on that side. I mean, he's making like a million dollars a month or more and I'm not making a million dollars a month.
And, if Randi and I got together we could come up with some really nifty tricks that would fool people. Con people.”
《An Honest Liar》網站︰anhonestliar.com(可在多個平台購買影片觀看)