
俄羅斯畫家馬列維奇(Kazimir Malevich, 1878-1935)1915年創作的《黑色正方形》(Black Square)為抽象繪畫發展早期的一幅著名作品。他放棄具象而追求純粹感受,並命名其理論為「至上主義」(Suprematism),代表 “the supremacy of pure feeling or perception in the pictorial arts”。

The black square on the white field was the first form in which non-objective feeling came to be expressed. The square = feeling, the white field = the void beyond this feeling.
Yet the general public saw in the non-objectivity of the representation the demise of art and failed to grasp the evident fact that feeling had here assumed external form.
The suprematist square and the forms proceeding out of it can be likened to the primitive marks (symbols) of aboriginal man which represented, in their combinations, not ornament but a feeling of rhythm.
(Kazimir Malevich, The Non-Objective World, p.76.)

Kazimir Malevich, Worker (1933) & Portrait of a Woman (1934)

